
Since 1993 we have have been market leader in plotters, Concore has plotters running all over the world. Mostly in Central Europe, UK and Scandinavia. The feedback from our customers has pushed us to continue development and improve our plotter. Today our Concore plotter is the state of the art in respect of hassle free performance, service and maintenance.  The plotter takes information from the  drawing and bed planning software and reproduces it directly on the slab, thereby eliminating all the errors associated with manual marking. Such errors are very costly, because one must calculate not only the cost of re-making the slab, but also the transport of the incorrect slab back to the factory, the transport of the replacement slab to site, the increased crane cost, the associated labour costs and the cost of delay on site. Many factories without plotters have a total cost due to errors amounting to between 2 and 4 percent of turnover. The investment in a plotter is therefore amortized in a very short time.

The Concore Plotter is available for hollow core as well as wide slab and wall panel production.



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